Natural Pain
Pain can serve a protective function by letting one know that something is wrong. Resolving the underlying problem, when possible is the best way to eliminate pain. The brain responds to pain by producing morphine-like hormones known as endorphins. Besides drugs, there are other ways to stimulate endorphin production.
Lifting the Veil of Depression
Depression can occur when life isn't going right. Feeling "down" when unhappy in work, relationships, and life situations can happen to anyone. However depression can also be biochemical, and occur regardless of how life is going. Expressing oneself creatively through art, music, writing or dance can be productive ways of letting go of depressing emotions.
Brain Power
Brains will sprout new connections between cells as long as the environment challenges or stimulates. The saying, "Use it or you lose it" applies to brain power as well as other aspects of our lives. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers the brain uses to communicate. Transmission of signals across the synapses is regulated by some thirty brain chemicals. The best known are acetylcholine, epinephrine and serotonin, all made from amino acids. In Asian Medicine the brain is referred to as the "seat of marrow" and nourished by the Kidney System.